Hello, in this post of my blog I´m going to explain what do you need to consider when buying a new computer and show the best computer at a low price in sales.
First, you have to evaluate your needs because a computer is somthing while you have to know what do you need to buy. You have to think if you need a office computer for a desk or a laptop to take at differents places. Then, with that information, you should to think the power what you would for your computer and see the differents components for the computer.
So when yo have thought what do you need, yo have to buy the components for the computer, like the processor, the memory RAM, the hard drive, the optical drives, the video and graphics cards. Then you have to buy a screen to use the computer and a mouse to can move for the computer. There are some periferics like a mat, helmet, etc... but there are not necesary.
That´s the best sale while I found online. This is a pack with a well computer, a mouse and a screen for a low price. You can find this pack here.